Slight pushes to spine tips, and usual toning to the paper edges commensurate with age and as common with the Macdonald publication. One of Rubenstein s well known photographs of Stephen King is the one of the author jumping up from his desk and making a 'scare pose'.

She specialised in portraits of the music scene and her photograps a plethora of magazines. Inscribed to Raeanne Rubenstein (1945 -2019), a professional photographer of celebrities. Believe me, it was a pleasure Stephen King 4/2/81. Signed and beautifully inscribed by Stephen King on the ffep: For Raeanne The Haitian believe that to take a photograph is to steal the soul of a subject but having met you, I d say you have plenty of soul of your own. Stephen King (1980) Firestarter, UK first edition, first printing, published by Macdonald.