If you’re feeling unlucky today, don’t fret. Unfortunately, the odds of actually winning this fortune is 350 billion to one. On average, Americans spend $70.1 billion on lottery tickets every year. Three lucky winners took home over $500 million each! The draw to this amount of money is enormous. On January 13, 2016, the Powerball jackpot of $1.586 billion became the largest jackpot ever. The lottery lies at the very core of United States history, and it remains popular even today. Since then, lotteries have been used to raise money for wars, towns, colleges, community projects, and more! In 1612, King James I established a lottery in order to fund the first permanent British settlement in Virginia. Why? Because it’s National Lottery Day! The concept of the lottery has been around since ancient times, but this practice did not become mainstream until the late 15th century in Europe. July 17th is a day to dream of luxury and to test your luck.